Install R.
Install RStudio.
Open RStudio and install devtools
package by running install.packages( 'devtools' )
. Depending on your platform for devtools
to work on Windows install Rtools, on OSX install Xcode, on Linux install r-devel
or r-base-dev
Install QuantTools package by running:
install.packages( QuantTools )
# or Install QuantTools development version
# devtools::install_bitbucket( 'quanttools/QuantTools' )
Make sure Rcpp
package is installed and works. Running these lines should give you 4
library( QuantTools )
Rcpp::evalCpp( code = '2 + 2' )
Congratulations, you are setup now! In case you have any trouble installing the components drop some comments.
QuantTools package different settings which are very useful if you plan to build backtesting and market data storage system. For complete list of settings run ?QuantTools_settings
in RStudio.
With QuantTools download market data is very simple. You are welcome to download data from Yahoo, Google, Finam or IQFeed servers.
- Intraday tick data provided only by Finam and IQFeed
You need to have IQFeed subscription to get data from their servers. If IQFeed software installed on your system please update the following settings:
QuantTools_settings( settings = list( iqfeed_host = 'localhost', iqfeed_port = 'iqfeed port number' ) )
library( QuantTools )
from = '2016-01-01'
to = '2016-06-01'
symbol = 'AAPL'
get_finam_data( symbol, from, to )
## date open high low close volume
## 1: 2016-01-04 102.48 105.36 102.00 105.34 3891905
## 2: 2016-01-05 105.75 105.78 102.42 102.71 3225980
## ---
## 103: 2016-06-01 99.00 99.54 98.33 98.43 2299445
## 104: 2016-06-02 97.67 97.84 96.63 97.71 2592315
get_google_data( symbol, from, to )
## date open high low close volume
## 1: 2016-01-04 102.61 105.37 102.00 105.35 67281190
## 2: 2016-01-05 105.75 105.85 102.41 102.71 55790992
## ---
## 103: 2016-05-31 99.60 100.40 98.82 99.86 42307212
## 104: 2016-06-01 99.02 99.54 98.33 98.46 29173285
get_yahoo_data( symbol, from, to )
## date open high low close volume adj close split_coeff
## 1: 2016-01-04 102.61 105.37 102.00 105.35 67649400 103.58618 1
## 2: 2016-01-05 105.75 105.85 102.41 102.71 55791000 100.99038 1
## ---
## 103: 2016-05-31 99.60 100.40 98.82 99.86 42307200 99.32195 1
## 104: 2016-06-01 99.02 99.54 98.33 98.46 29173300 97.92949 1
get_iqfeed_data( symbol, from, to )
## date open high low close
## 1: 2016-01-04 102.61 105.368 102.00 105.35
## 2: 2016-01-05 105.75 105.850 102.41 102.71
## ---
## 103: 2016-05-31 99.60 100.400 98.82 99.86
## 104: 2016-06-01 99.02 99.540 98.33 98.46
get_finam_data( symbol, from, to, period = 'hour' )
## time open high low close volume
## 1: 2016-01-04 09:00:00 102.48 103.69 102.00 102.700 657731
## 2: 2016-01-04 10:00:00 102.68 103.93 102.44 103.345 918556
## ---
## 697: 2016-06-01 14:00:00 98.99 99.18 98.90 99.005 248585
## 698: 2016-06-01 15:00:00 99.01 99.03 98.33 98.430 556923
get_iqfeed_data( symbol, from, to, period = 'hour' )
## time open high low close volume
## 1: 2016-01-04 05:00:00 105.45 105.45 103.40 103.40 35521
## 2: 2016-01-04 06:00:00 103.55 103.77 103.48 103.68 7043
## ---
## 1634: 2016-05-31 19:00:00 99.86 99.91 99.85 99.85 4950
## 1635: 2016-05-31 20:00:00 99.85 99.95 99.81 99.95 9200
Lets download for single day only
# most recent non weekend date
from = format( Sys.Date() - switch( format( Sys.Date(), '%u' ), '6' = 1, '7' = 2, 0 ) )
get_finam_data( symbol, from, to = from, period = 'tick' )
## time price volume
## 1: 2016-10-10 09:30:00 115.080 100
## 2: 2016-10-10 09:30:00 115.090 100
## ---
## 15622: 2016-10-10 15:09:00 116.435 100
## 15623: 2016-10-10 15:09:03 116.440 100
get_iqfeed_data( symbol, from, to = from, period = 'tick' )
## time price volume size bid ask tick_id basis_for_last trade_market_center trade_conditions
## 1: 2016-10-10 04:00:00 114.15 50 50 113.86 113.93 1032 O 11 8717
## 2: 2016-10-10 04:00:00 114.25 100 150 113.86 113.93 1036 E 11 173D
## ---
## 164099: 2016-10-10 15:09:40 116.44 103 28967078 116.43 116.44 1320337 C 19 01
## 164100: 2016-10-10 15:09:40 116.43 103 28967181 116.43 116.44 1320338 C 19 01
Tick market data is a lot of information and when downlading from internet it takes not only time but some data providers allows you to download only several month of data. If you want to test your strategies for a longer period you have to store data locally. It is a big problem managing and storing tick market data. QuantTools makes this process easily controlled. You just setup storage parameters and ready to go. The parameters are where, since what date and which symbols you would like to be stored. Any time you can add more symbols and if they are not present in a storage QuantTools tries to get the data from specified start date. Here is an example script which do all that:
symbols = c( 'GAZP', 'SBER', 'VTBR' )
path = paste( path.expand('~') , 'Market Data', 'finam', sep = '/' )
start_date = '2016-01-01'
settings = list(
finam_storage = path,
finam_storage_from = start_date,
finam_symbols = symbols
QuantTools_settings( settings )
symbols = c( 'AAPL','IBM','PG','WFC','YHOO','GBPUSD.FXCM','EURUSD.FXCM' )
path = paste( path.expand('~') , 'Market Data', 'iqfeed', sep = '/' )
start_date = '2016-01-01'
settings = list(
iqfeed_storage = path,
iqfeed_storage_from = start_date,
iqfeed_symbols = symbols
QuantTools_settings( settings )
Note: rerun the above script when you need to add most recent data to local storage. It is a good practice to schedule the script in a system to run it on daily basis.
Just set local = T
as get_market_data
argument to retrieve data from local storage.
get_iqfeed_data( symbol = 'AAPL', from = '2016-09-08', to = '2016-09-12', period = 'tick', local = T )
QuantTools provides plot_ts
function to plot time series data without weekend, holidays and overnight gaps. Lets visualize some data:
## get data
aapl = get_finam_data( 'AAPL', '2016-01-01', '2016-09-01', period = '15min' )
## add some indicators
aapl[, sma := sma( close, 50 ) ]
aapl[, ema := ema( close, 50 ) ]
## plot
plot_ts( aapl )
To plot smaller intervals use %bw%
## plot selected month
plot_ts( aapl[ time %bw% '2016-05' ] )
plot_ts( aapl[ , .( time, sma, ema ) ], col = c( 'red', 'blue' ), add = T )
## plot selected date
plot_ts( aapl[ time %bw% '2016-05-09' ] )
plot_ts( aapl[ , .( time, sma, ema ) ], col = c( 'red', 'blue' ), add = T )
## plot time interval
library( fasttime )
plot_ts( aapl[ time %bw% fastPOSIXct( paste( '2016-05-09', c( '12:00', '13:30') ) ) ] )
plot_ts( aapl[ , .( time, sma, ema ) ], col = c( 'red', 'blue' ), add = T )
Note: for a list of available parameters see
QuantTools allows you to write trading models using its C++ API. It is a little more code so it has its own section. Please see Examples on top of this site.
© 2016 Stanislav Kovalevsky. All rights reserved.